The aim of our project was to allow for the record label ‘Saving Grace Music’ and the social enterprise, ‘Saving Grace Collective’ to work within the local community by creating two music videos. Allowing for a wide range of opportunities to be created for young people within the community, which in turn will allow for an increase in both personable and employability skills. These individuals will be from a variety of backgrounds and using their potential and interest in key areas; music production, acting, videography, styling, makeup, fashion design, lighting, and photography they will have the opportunity to attend workshops and be on the set and in the music studio for the creation of this project. Many of these individuals may not normally get the chance to work on projects of this nature due to lack of finances/contacts/lack of opportunity. This project will allow young people with a variety of interests to work together, nurturing keep life skills such as working within a team, being flexible and overcoming problems. The project will showcase the process of how Saving Grace Music has the potential to take a group of individuals from social/economic and cultural exclusion and through workshops and 1 to 1 mentoring with professionals can encourage them to believe that if they wish this is a viable career for them and it is not as inclusive as they once thought.

- The first element of the project was a music video which included the performance footage from the collaboration with Lindley Infant school choir from our first Think Big project supported by O2. The video will then be promoted through YouTube, Vimeo and other social networks/community based outlets.
- The second element was a music video filmed and edited is one which includes a local artist we have been mentoring/developing within the collective. In addition, this artist attended Lindley Infant school (the same school as the children from the first video). The video involves a larger team of local individuals from a variety of backgrounds which will be handling various element of the videos production. This video will also be promoted through YouTube, Vimeo and other social networks/community based outlets.
- The third element we created a short documentary style ‘making of’ film in conjunction with a local college, educational professionals, charities and young people who have contacted Saving Grace Music in search of opportunities/vocational experience (in the past Saving Grace haven’t been able to work with such individuals due to a lack of funds).
Those involved will plan and implement the creation of the short films; taking charge of everything from writing up production notes, compiling interview questions to editing the actual footage.
Below you can watch the completed music video and documentary on the creation of the project:
The Saving Grace Collective used the process of creating a music videos & documentaries to utilise its community-wide outreach potential; by giving local young people the opportunity to have specific roles and gain experience in a sector that ordinarily would not be available to them. By holding workshops and offering mentoring sessions with professionals members from the local community will assist in the filming, editing, and promotion of the two videos.& music production for the stated videos. The completion of this project will not only be a huge achievement for all of those involved but it also help to validate members of the community who often don’t get positive recognition for their hard work, I will ensure that this important part of the project will not be forgotten by holding a screening where families and friends can appreciate the hard work and skills set which will have been gained through their loved ones role within the saving grace project.For all participants this opportunity will give them not only vital experience to put on their CV but also added confidence when applying for jobs, whilst for some this may be the first step on the employability ladder for an industry which previously they would have thought was out of their reach.