At Saving Grace we are whole heatedly focused on leveling the playing field. That goes for the infrastructure of Saving Grace as well as the larger music industry as a whole. Below is a comprehensive list of our commitments to Inclusivity & diversity.

- We will analyse and improve the diversity of workforce from entry level to senior leadership.
- We will be constant with our application of our inclusivity policy to staffing hiring, promotions etc.
- We will advertise jobs to a wide subsection to ensure broader accessibility.
- We will help to identify individual career goals for staff, artists & project participants and identify potential career paths.
- We will research and utilise programmes which give work opportunities to a wider pool of people who might not otherwise get that access.
- We will provide a platform for staff members to discuss issues around race and diversity more generally.
- We will offer training opportunities for staff members.
- We will publicly and internally highlight relevant resources.
- We will look for opportunities to platform a diverse range of people within Saving Grace.
- We will monitor progress and create an evaluation reports where relevant.
- We will regularly review progress in all areas, at least 1 a year.
- We will offer social & mental health counselling support to staff and artists.
- We will work with other organisations to offer roles in leadership to play our part in tackling a lack of diversity in the larger music space.
- We will continue to work with professionals & organisations in the creative industry to discuss ways to improve black representation in the creative industry.
- We will further developing a mentoring initiative aimed at people of colour interested in entering the creative industry
- We will communicate our inclusivity policy on all platforms, to be more specific about our business and its position within the wider scene and how we reflect a multi-cultural society.
- Will use our platforms to highlight relevant third party initiatives and encouraging followers to take action.
- We will continue to actively work with and seek out black and minority owned businesses, such as PR companies, mastering houses, merch companies, designers, sound engineers etc to trade with..
- We will develop projects to more regularly and explicitly deal with important issues of inequality.